"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells." -Dr. Seuss


Monday, March 8, 2010


First off, I know I've been slack on the posting over the weekend. I have several projects I've been meaning to post, but time escapes me. I WILL get to those this week. Hopefully. :)

Secondly, this is a disgustingly happy post. Read at your own risk.

Today has been so perfect, my joy is boundless. There were a few rough spots this weekend, but things are looking up, and all I can do is feel so incredibly thankful for the life that I live and the amazing people in it.

The weather here is beautiful. Seventy degrees, I believe. Perfect weather for swinging all afternoon with the little loves of my life. I really, really love South Carolina.

Granny is home from the hospital and although she's still sick, she's feeling a little better. As almost every cancer family can tell you, it's a love/hate relationship with chemo. It kills the cancer, but its effects on the body can be equally devastating. I hate cancer, but I'm praying everyday for a cure, and all I can be right now is grateful for people who dedicate their lives to fighting this killer.

I love, love, love playing the farmer's daughter. I love being outside and helping/learning/carrying on. There's definitely something to be said for a peaceful life... and the smell of hay.

It's a new project day! I LOVE new project days. I love looking at something and seeing things in my head and then making it happen.

Here's the kicker... more of the same tomorrow! Although I have troubles, I've been positive today, and I think that's made all the difference. What the world could be, if only we always magnified our blessings the way we do our trials. Life goal: be better at this!

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