"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells." -Dr. Seuss


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow in South Carolina

So, snow here is rare. Like, a once a year event. Except this year, when we had snow two weekends ago and this weekend. Trust me, I'm more than ready for spring, and when they mentioned snow in the forecast I was not happy about it. But then, little white flakes started falling and I couldn't help but be excited about it. It's absolutely beautiful! I love the way it makes the night brighter and the soft grinding sound it makes under my shoes. Plus, you can make snowballs and pelt your huge teenage brother with them unexpectedly. Way more fun than rain! I took a nice little walk today, I love the way the trees look covered in the snow.

The cats are not as excited about the snow as I am.

But, the chickens didn't mind it, safe in their "chicken tractor"

Snow makes the woods even prettier

All the precipitation we've gotten lately has stirred up the mud in the river

Rain boots can also double as walk in the snow boots

Hope y'all in the other 48 states with snow are enjoying it as we are!

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